Forum Cross Posting

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Forum Cross Posting

Postby biggerry on Fri May 01, 2009 12:16 am

There are lots of guides out there for net and forum etiquette (including the FAQ here), a common issue is cross posting within a site forum ( I refer to site forum as entire website/domain forum not individual subforums) however, I am interested in peoples thoughts on cross posting between different website forums, what is acceptable? what is good etiquette?

For example, I frequent a few professional engo forums, at times it is effective and acceptable to post the same issue/problem in different site forums, some even crosspost in subforums (ie mech eng and chem eng for examples sake). Now engo forums are significantly different in terms of content, response, etc to that of photography forums, so what are your thoughts? Is it good etiquette to post (for example) identical images for review over different forums? I can see how this could be beneficial in maximising the exposure of your images to a wider range of viewers but is it acceptable or frowned on?

keen to hear peoples opinions especially from those who have been around the traps for a few thousand posts :wink:
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby Glen on Fri May 01, 2009 4:54 am

Big Gerry, interesting issue which I hadn't seen brought up before. In this forum it is pretty common as a few years back a sponsor and number of members left to start a different forum after discussion about the sponsors business practices. In time that sponsor was also asked to leave the new forum, but the forum fortunately survives and many were members of both. So cross posting became the norm. I think it is totally acceptable and provides feedback/criticism/adulation from a wider and more diverse audience. The one thing is when people are advertising things for sale, I believe they should mention if they are advertising on more than one forum, it can save any disappointment or confusion, but also set some parameters as often people think it is a forum exclusive so believe that a post will secure the item (on many forums that is the expected norm). I believe that it is a bit assumptive by the buyer (but then that is part of the appeal of the ad - only the members of the forum know about it) but is probably not upfront by seller either as they then may cherrypick responses from various forums and advertising mediums, without the expected order to responses posted.I believe it is totally okay to post for sale items on different forums if it is mentioned, then all parties are aware different norms and expectations are in play. I suppose it just doesn't sound as appealing - pssst Hi guys, a special offer to members of this forum, the other 8 forums I am a member of, users of Ebay & Trading Post, I have for sale ..... Tactical Torches - Tactical Flashlights Police torch rechargeable torch military torch police military HID surefire flashlight LED torch tactical torch rechargeable wolf eyes flashlight surefire torch wolf eyes tactical torchpolice torch
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby gstark on Fri May 01, 2009 9:29 am

What Glen is talking about is not cross-posting, per se, but but more likely regarded as posting the same topic amongst a number of different forums. In that regard, we have no control. In certain circumstances that may, or it may not, be a good thing.

I think Gerry's question though is more focused upon cross-posting the same topic within the one sote, but into more than one section. For instance, posting a query about something in, say, our general discussion section, as well as also posting the same question in perhaps our Nikon section.

Most forums that I'm familiar with frown on that practise, and it's specifically mentioned as a no-no in our FAQ. The primary reason for this is that, by cross posting, you are effectively diluting your response and discussion bases. Different points may be brought up in one thread, but missed in the other. Those who might have had something to say on the one might miss that art of the discussion entirely.

I can accept that with sub-forums as diverse as chemical and mechanical engineering there may be scope for a cross post due to the lesser commonality between those topics, and thus there may be a case in favour of cross-posting.
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby biggerry on Fri May 01, 2009 10:14 am

cross-posting the same topic within the one sote

I am referring to cross posting between different website forums, ie different domains/websites.

The acceptability of cross posting within a single site forum is pretty clear and as you mentioned Gary, it dilutes the response and discussion bases. I am more interested in the etiquette and acceptability (if any) of cross posting between two website forums.
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby gstark on Fri May 01, 2009 12:27 pm

biggerry wrote:
cross-posting the same topic within the one sote

I am referring to cross posting between different website forums, ie different domains/websites.

My apologies.

In that regard, I think it becomes a little bit contextual. If you're seeking an answer to a specific problem, or doing some sort of research, then I think this may be acceptable, and particularly so if you happen to know that the readerships of each forum do not intersect too much.

For instance, while we have members here who also visit, say, Fred Miranda and/or DPR, the level of cross-forum readership amongst those forums - and in particular their sub-forums - would be somewhat low. With that in mind, you would be likely to get a fairly good spread of responses between those forums for any given question raised.

I certainly see little problem in doing this, and when seeking answers to technical IT issues, I may even ask across a couple of forums myself.

I think that the real issue though is trying to properly target your question to the best audience, and to then frame the question in order to elicit the best responses. That can often be the real challenge. :)
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby biggerry on Sat May 02, 2009 6:45 pm

Glen, thanks for taking the time to reply, very informative...
many were members of both. So cross posting became the norm. I think it is totally acceptable and provides feedback/criticism/adulation from a wider and more diverse audience.

Yes I can see how this (getting exposure to a broader range of viewers) would be beneficial, especially if the two (or more) site memberships are significantly different. Going back to the example of chemical and mechanical engineering, posting the identical question in those two forums often generates quite different discussions based on the members disciplines.

advertising things for sale, I believe they should mention if they are advertising on more than one forum

yes, i agree. Realistically, especially with photography gear, its not usually an issue to get the sale, just a matter of where you want it to go.

Gary thanks for the reply also,
this may be acceptable, and particularly so if you happen to know that the readerships of each forum do not intersect too much

I agree with this also, I have in the past (engineering related) posted the same issue on two different forums which was very beneficial since I got very different solutions to the same problem.

moving to the photography side of things, posting between say, DSLRUsers, DPR and Fred Miranda would be quite beneficial since you are getting a much broader slice of people not only due to the physical seperation but also the larger number of people, not to mention any country/cultural differences that would provide a different/fresh set of eyes and opinions.

and to then frame the question in order to elicit the best responses. That can often be the real challenge

yes very true, and for us pleb engos (yes i speak only for my self here) with english/grammar only slightly better than .... it becomes very interesting :mrgreen:

Regarding local forums (australian photography based), I have recently found my self searching for more content** when i have time, especially when DSLRusers becomes quiet and i was amazed at how similiar the various posts on the different forums are, does having quite a few local forums for what is essentially a small country and relatively small community dilute ability to get feedback on a post? Do you need to post on all of them to get a good cross-section of responses? Are these local forums seperated/diverse enough or is there too much intersection?

Anyway, I am kind of thinking out aloud here and trying to get my head around the local forums here in Oz. :| I am still keen for opinions though!

**(I find DPR similiar whirlpool where I can't handle the excessive level of traffic and posts so its out for more reasons than the lack of local contact :wink: )
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby biggerry on Tue May 05, 2009 11:11 pm

aww c'mon..bump...surely with all the 170 views there must be more opinions than just Gary's and Glen's! :?
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby whitey on Tue May 05, 2009 11:23 pm

Well I thought you only wanted posts from people with a coupla thousand posts :shock:

For what its worth I am a cross poster. Especially if I post here and get no replies, then I wander off to some of the more active forums. Nothing worse than 100 views - no replies imo.
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby biggerry on Tue May 05, 2009 11:28 pm

fair call whitey :cheers:
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby Big Red on Tue May 05, 2009 11:32 pm

I think it is fine but the post titles should be the same on the two different forums ...
that way i can look at the post and answer it on one forum but may not even look at it on another forum ... it is my choice.

if you post the same pic on two different forums but with different titles i may be dissapointed to see the same again.
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Re: Forum Cross Posting

Postby surenj on Thu May 07, 2009 12:15 am

Hey Gerry,

I would love to cross post maybe to one more forum. I haven't found one yet! I bet the other forums are getting a bit quiet like this one.

Who knows? The two for one deal may kick things off.
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