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grey card

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:35 am
by shockadelica-
its not a necessity as one can meter of something closest to neutral grey or midtone in the frame of the shot

but just wanting to ask if anyone knows where they are sold?
ebay and a local camera store were a no-go

are they rare?

its just a nice little gimmick that i'd like to carry in my bag
along with my black cardboard which i use for night photography


PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:37 am
by huynhie
Go to Teds in Sydney they have them there

or fletchers in Sydney

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:54 am
by Sheetshooter
The 18% grey card is useful for many more purposes than just being a reference point for exposure — in fact they are not really all that accurate for that in highly critical work.

I have several in various bags and would never be wthout one. The whole point is that it is a STANDARD REFERENCE and is useful for checking colour balance, dynamic range in addition to exposure.

They are available from Kodak through most professional outlets and come in a pack of two plus one little small pocket size one. (Vanbar sell them individually which is good for those on a budget.

Other reference cards which I consider a must are the MacBeth Colour Checker and Kodak Separation Guides and step wedge. The latter being ideal to include in the image area alongside artwork to be copied or other subjects where later reproduction is critical in terms of colour and density.
